Happy Saturday, happy day after Halloween, and happy November 1st! Can you believe it's November already? It's the busy season for us papercrafters, so I'm really excited to get started on some holiday projects!
We're all in a candy coma today at our house, so I don't have a card to share, but I wanted to show you a photo of my girls from last night. Megan and her friends (high school freshmen) were "neon girls" -- she did a great job putting her costume together herself, and she even painted the jacket with neon fabric paint! Anna was Junie B. Jones, her favorite book character. Caroline was a mummy -- and she was the cutest little mummy I'd ever seen! :) Kyle and his friends (high school sophomores) went to a party in a friend's neighborhood, and he didn't dress up. It's strange to not have them all trick-or-treating in our neighborhood anymore!

Before I go, I wanted to share an award I received from my design teammate, Julie Buhler. If you haven't been to Julie's blog,
Paper Pleasing Ideas, you must go! She always has great ideas! Thanks for the award, Julie!

It's going to be a beautiful autumn day here today -- sunny and temps near 70! Chris is away for a couple days, so I'm hoping to get some good stamping done while the kids are playing! I'll be finishing my November C.C. Designs previews -- I'll have the first one for you November 4th! :)
Have a great day, everyone! Thanks so much for stopping by! :)
Your girls are adorable! Neither of mine went trick-or-treating this year, just to Halloween parties. It is weird when they stop.
What darling girls!! My girls are both big Junie B. fans, too!!
very cute....Have a wonderful creative day,
What lovely daughters you have, Christina!
They look adorable. you don't look old enough for a teen! I am going to have to use your asparagus recipe. I love asparagus. Have a nice afternoon
Beauties! The mummy is AH-HA-DOREABLE! Oh my word!
Your girls are so cute!!! I know what you mean, two of mine are teens (one in college) who don't dress up anymore, and my little girl went to a church youth group party - it was the first halloween with no candy! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
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